There are certainly 80 thousand thoughts (obvious hyperbole) running through my head at any given moment. I try to get them all out during the day- this explains the RBF and why I look lost most of the time, I usually am- I'm lost in thought.
The beauty of this whole thing Jesus and I have going is that in my thoughts, I can almost.. mostly..usually... focus them towards Him so it's almost like I pray ALL day. This is where I started using the term #prayerjunkie. I can't confirm if this term has already been copyrighted so...if so...They can insert their name here ______________________ as to not feel slighted. Back to the crazy.
Do you see what I'm up against here?
Politics. (gasP) Settle the crap down. Everyone is up in arms. Put your arms down and do some research. Put your research down and do some praying. Put your hands down and open your ears.
There is no man, woman or child that wouldn't be picked to pieces by the media when running for president and this election is no different. People hate Trump, people hate Hillary- but mostly people just hate people and that irritates me more than anything.
New York City. I just went there. Are you kidding me? Could that city absolutely define its cliches better than any other place? Could it BE more amaze balls? I am starting to see why Carrie wouldn't shut up about it for 10 seasons of Sex and the City. I don't care what kind of sex everyone was having, the CITY is SO....inclusive. Everyone is just different and speaking different languages and dressed different and annoying in their own way and they are all just in place, where they are supposed to be, smooshed together..and for the most part? Happy about it. My favorite smell filled the air, the smell of restaurant food. Does that made me a foodie or a fattie? Either way- every whiff down a different street was a cultural blend of something I had never heard of and couldn't wait to try. There wasn't enough space in my stomach or life in my legs to do all the doing I wanted to do while we were there- but fear not! NYC is not going anywhere and I am sure my family's adventures there have only just begun.
Jesus, Fam, Travel, Rinse, Repeat <===== AS long as I can I will do this and it will be boldly done and I will boldly go where few twin moms have gone before....but I am praying through it all. I am praying for the country and for the city. I am praying for relationships, friendships and most of all- I am praying for---- EVOLVING MINDS---seeing what we are given and turning it into a lesson, a sharing session or something else that God will make amazing.
Go and be love. and don't forget to V O T E
As a parting gift- beautiful, cherished and blessed babies on Valentine's Day.